Sunday, October 08, 2006


I got out of jury duty!!! I was so anxious about it because I did not know what I would do with the girls and the thought of missing Em's first field trip was horrifing. Thank You JESUS!! I have been given the desire of my heart.

Avery's baptism has been cancelled so we are disappointed but we can get over that. I have just sent out invitations and called to order the cakes and we were just excited.

Church today was good. Look at a child from a 3rd world country, hear about any one day in their life and if you do not feel overwhelmed with gratitude let me know so I can pray for you. It is heart wrenching and makes our issues (missing a zoo field trip) seem petty and selfish.

The speaker did mention something I have been praying about. She said we are to tithe everything. I guess that means ministry money too. Now she also said a ministry should not accept a tithe from an individual because it should go to a church home. I recently got someone's tithe because they left their church home. I did not think much of it (outside of extreem gratitude) but now I wonder...

My exhibit at the convention went great. I almost did not do it because of the work involved but my confirmation came during church today. The message was titled You Reep What You Sow. It was about how serving, ministry, sowing is hard. It is never just 9-5, it is uphill all the way, it COST something. but it is right and it is God's will that we do what He has called us to do.

I gotta go do my bible study now since I get to go. God is so good! THATS what Im talking about baby.

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